Financial Coaching for Parents

Money doesn't have to feel like a constant struggle

Having a baby causes a major shift in priorities. You want nothing but the best for your child. You want to be as present and in the moment as possible. You want to take the family trips and create those lasting memories. And yet, you also want to make sure you are saving for the future and setting your family up for financial success. 

 After adding all the new expenses, from diapers to daycare, there probably isn’t much left over. If you feel guilty spending on yourself, or on things that make life a little easier, like hiring a housecleaner, you are not alone! With a clearer understanding of exactly where your money is going, and what your priorities are, it becomes easier to confidently know what you can afford and drop the guilt for spending on the things that bring you joy (or allow you to get just a little more sleep).

It can be overwhelming to contextualize how the decisions you make today will impact your long-term future. 

Without a clear plan or sense of direction, it can be confusing trying to figure out where to focus or what steps to take next.

Hi, I’m Sarah, a financial coach for parents navigating the daycare years.

Sarah Roller, a financial coach for parents in the daycare years

This is where I come in.

As a financial coach, I help new parents learn to use their money in ways that best serve them, both now (in this exhausting and expensive stage of life), and in the future.

Working together, we focus on:

Understanding your options

Making the right choices for your family.

 Utilizing the right type of accounts to reach your goals.

Determining if you should prioritize building your savings or paying down debt

Practicing Values-Based Spending

Learning to spend mindfully

Identify which expenses add the most value to your life

Discovering your spending leaks, expenses that aren’t meaningfully improving your quality of life

Creating a shared vision

Communicating more effectively with your partner about money

Getting on the same page with your values and goals

Creating a system that allows you to effectively manage your money as a team

By working together in a 1:1 setting, we are able to focus on what is most impactful for you and your family, no matter where you are in your financial journey.

Ready to feel more confident and organized about your finances? 

This is for you.

Family Finances 

6-Month Program

Get the support you need to create an effective plan to achieve your goals and get your family’s finances on track.

This program will help you:

  • Understand where your money is going. How much is coming in and going out? Which expenses are adding the most value to your family’s quality of life? Once you understand where your money is going, you can make more informed decisions on how you want to use it.

  • Create clear goals. It’s hard to make changes or to save more if you aren’t clear on WHY you are doing it. By creating a vision for your family, it’s easier to stay motivated and to ensure that you and your partner are on the same page. 

  • Identify your spending habits. What triggers you to overspend? Are there areas you mindlessly spend? Amazon? Food delivery? All the baby things?  Once you recognize your spending patterns, it becomes easier to implement beneficial changes.

  • Spend in alignment with your values. When you identify what you value most, it becomes easier to ensure that you are allocating your money in a way that best serves you. Let go of any guilt for spending on the things that matter most to you. 

  • Improve your financial communication. Explore ways to talk with your partner that are more productive and less tense, so you can communicate more easily and effectively. 

  • Develop a plan. Reaching your goals is easier with a clear road map of what steps you need to take. Feel confident that you are prioritizing your time and efforts in the right place. Understand when it’s time to shift focus to a new priority.

  • Become a financial role model for your children. Feel confident that you are demonstrating a healthy and responsible approach to money, so your children can learn positive lessons about money from you.



The Family Finances Program consists of:

  •  8 one-on-one Zoom sessions where you and your partner get personalized coaching and support.

  • Access to email support between sessions, so you don’t have to wait for answers on your most pressing or time-sensitive questions.

  • Worksheets and reflection prompts to be completed between sessions to accelerate your progress and delve deeper into your goals.

Enjoy this stage, without losing sight of long-term goals

After the 6-month program:

Spend less time worrying about money.

Anticipate the “unexpected” expenses, and have a plan for how to handle them when they pop up.

Have a shared financial vision with your partner.

Know what steps you need to take now and in the near future. 

Feel confident navigating financial decisions, knowing that you are investing in what’s best for your family.

Ready to get started?

The first step is to book a free call with me.

Have questions about working with me?

Family Finances FAQs

  • No. Every client’s results will be different depending on their goals and where they are starting from.Your effort and commitment to implementing changes are the biggest impact on your results. 

    For some clients, this will result in notable improvements to their net worth or paying down debt. For others, this may mean a drastically improved relationship with money. 

  • It can seem counterintuitive to pay somebody when money feels so tight. However, if you’ve struggled to make progress on your own, that may be a sign that you need additional support. While the added expense of hiring a coach can feel cost prohibitive, failing to address the issues are likely to cost you much more in the long run. 

    By working with a coach you will be able to gain the knowledge and learn the skills to effectively improve your financial situation much faster. 

  • Most of our work will be done via shared GoogleSheets or GoogleDocs. You will need a Gmail account to access these documents.

  • Between sessions, I typically assign approximately 1 hour’s worth of work. This includes worksheets, reflection prompts, and reviewing recent spending. 

    Completing the between-session assignments allows us to make the most progress over the 6-month program. 

  • If you’ve tried budgeting before (or any major lifestyle change) you’ve probably noticed that it can work for a little while, but then things fall apart when life gets stressful. By working together for 6 months, we have time to implement new strategies and see what works well and what needs to be tweaked.  You want a system that doesn’t completely crumble when you have an intense month at work, or when everyone in the house is sick all at the same time.

  • As a coach, I help my clients improve their cash flow, learn to spend more mindfully and in alignment with their values, develop clear goals, and create an action plan of the next steps to take. We explore both the practical and emotional sides of money management.

    A financial advisor focuses on long-term and retirement planning. If you are already able to effectively save money and are looking for advice on how to best grow your wealth, then a financial advisor may be the right step for you. For some clients, it may make sense to work with both a coach (to improve their day-to-day cash flow) AND an advisor (to develop a long-term plan and advise on any specific financial situations, like company stock).

  • Wonderful! The first step is to schedule a free Discovery Call (link). During this call we will talk about what your current situation is, and what working together would look like. If it is a good fit, and you are interested in moving forward, you will then:

    Complete the Client Agreement

    Set up auto-billing in AdvicePay

    Schedule your first session

Feel confident about how you are spending and saving your money, now and for the future.