Get support through your financial journey

Helping you take control of your personal finances

By working in a 1:1 setting, we can focus on a plan that is hyper-specific to you. Following generic budgeting or financial advice rarely works, because it doesn’t factor in the specifics of your life. You need a plan that incorporates your lifestyle, your life stage, and who you are as a person.

By getting clear on what your priorities are, it’s easier to carve out the right path for you, and it’s more motivating to stay on track.

Personalized Plan

A one-size-fits-all approach rarely works. We create a plan to fit you, where you are right now.


A great plan is useless if you don’t follow through. Frequent check-ins help you stay the course and adjust the plan if needed.


Money is often tied to feelings of shame or embarrassment. This is a safe space for women and parents to learn and grow.

How the Program Works

We will start by getting a clear picture of where you are now. It is much harder to plan for the future if you don’t know exactly where you are starting from.

Then, we will set up a system that allows you to better understand where your money is actually going. Once you have a better understanding of how you are spending your money,  you can make more informed decisions about how you actually WANT to be spending your money. 

In discussing your values, we will assess if your spending is in alignment. How you choose to spend money will look different from everyone else, there isn’t a script to follow, it should be based on what you value most. 

We will explore your emotional relationship with money. We’ve all subconsciously picked up a lot of messages about money, and often they are quite flawed. Understanding the lens that you see money through will allow you to evaluate if the lessons you learned about money are actually serving you.

Throughout the process we will review basic money concepts, helping you to feel more financially literate.

As money and life stress pops up, we will tweak and refine your systems to ensure that you have a solid system that will work for you, even when you hit an inevitable rough patch.

Confidence in your financial future

At the end of the program, you will feel more in control of your finances. You will see the path forward, and be equipped to handle the bumps in the road that are inevitably going to come up. You will have a greater sense of control over your progress.

If you are interested in exploring financial coaching, the first step is to set up a free call.