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Learn to plan for life’s irregular expenses
Are you trying to save, but struggling to make progress because some unexpected cost always pops up?
Maybe you created a plan of how much you’d save each month to finally build that emergency fund.
Or maybe you’ve mapped out how much extra you are going to put toward your credit card debt each month.
But then there is always some expense that sabotages your progress.
It’s challenging to make financial progress if you don’t know what expenses are lurking around the corner.
Don’t let irregular expenses stop you from making progress toward your financial goals.
Check out the Unexpected Expenses spreadsheet.
The Unexpected Expenses spreadsheet will:
Help you anticipate those costs that typically throw off your progress.
Guide you in looking at a bigger picture, annual perspective of your cost of living.
Prepare you for the often painful expenses.
Ensure you are setting aside money for the things you enjoy most.
Shifting from a reactionary to a proactive approach to money takes a little organization and planning.
Let the Unexpected Expenses spreadsheet help you get there.
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Using the Unexpected Expenses spreadsheet will help you save up for your next vacation before it actually happens, rather than putting it on a credit card and spending the next few months paying it off.