Should you stop using credit cards while paying off credit card debt?
By switching to a debit card for your daily expenses, you separate out your daily life costs and your debt repayments. Seeing the immediate impact on your checking account balance makes it easier to avoid overspending.
Should I Open a Medical FSA?
FSA : Prepare for inevitable medical expenses and stretch your money further
What are the Medical Costs of Having a Baby?
Without knowing what your medical bills will cost it is particularly challenging to proactively prepare for them.
Is an Emergency Fund Really Necessary?
Unexpected expenses are inevitable. We may not know when, or how much they will cost, but it is naive to not anticipate that they are coming.
Buy Now, Pay Later
Buy Now, Pay Later
Is it bad to use Buy Now, Pay Later?
What is the 50/30/20 Rule?
Identifying an appropriate amount to spend on Needs, Wants and Savings.
Planning for Future Expenses with Savings Buckets
Savings Buckets - saving for specific goals
Should You Use a 0% Balance Transfer Credit Card to Pay Off Debt?
Is a 0% Balance Transfer a good idea?